Gustavus Choir

Gustavus Choir

Sunday, Feb. 23 at 3 p.m.

No tickets required; free-will offering

The Gustavus Choir is the premier, select choir of Gustavus. The Gustavus Choir draws its repertoire from the fine choral compositions of the past and contemporary literature. The 54-member ensemble tours annually and participates in Christmas in Christ Chapel, a collaborative spring concert, liturgical services in Christ Chapel, and other special college events. The Gustavus Choir’s recent international tours include Spain, France & Italy (2023), Music Capitols of Europe (2018), The British Isles (2014), Italy (2010), and South Africa (2006). The choir will be touring the East Coast in the spring of 2025, and a tour of Japan is planned for May 2026.

Dr. Brandon Dean serves as the Jon and Anita Thomsen Young Distinguished Endowed Chair in Music and Conductor of the Gustavus Choir. In addition to his teaching duties, he coordinates the Vocal Music Education program, and serves as Music Director for Christmas in Christ Chapel. Dr. Dean has received several faculty awards at Gustavus, including the 2022 Faculty Service Award, the highest accolade a Gustavus faculty member can receive for distinguished service activities; and the Swenson-Bunn Memorial Award for Teaching Excellence in 2014. Prior to his appointment at Gustavus in 2011, he completed a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music (CCM). Dr. Dean also holds a MM degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and a BA degree from Luther College.